Download the

Buyer's Journey
Marketing Worksheet

Buyer's Journey Marketing Worksheet

One of the most common reasons for marketing campaigns not achieving their goals, is that the messaging and targeting is misaligned with the buyer’s journey.

This One Page Worksheet will help you to achieve higher converting campaigns and generate more winnable sales conversations by mapping those campaigns to that journey.

Buyer's Journey Marketing Worksheet

Are Your Campaigns
Neglecting the Buyer's Journey?

Buyer's journey

If you’re not seeing the results you expect from your marketing investment, it’s highly likely your campaigns are not accounting for the buyer’s journey.

Simply put, prospects will either be:

  • Problem Unaware
  • Problem Aware
  • Solution Aware
  • Your Solution Aware
  • Ready to Transact
Buyer's journey
marketing buyer's journey

Tailor Your Campaigns
to this
Buyer's Journey

marketing buyer's journey

Based on the stages mentioned above, you need to tailor your targeting and messaging to the appropriate steps.

The Buyer’s Journey is linear, and getting your marketing to factor in the different steps will result in more prospects, more sales and a quicker sales cycle.

Frequently asked questions

The buyer’s journey is a process a potential customer goes through before making a purchase.

The best way to define that process is:

  • Problem Unaware
  • Problem Aware
  • Solution Aware
  • Your Solution Aware
  • Ready to Transact
If you fail to recognise the different thought processes at each step of the buyer’s journey, you will fail to impact the potential customer.

That’s why each step requires different targeting and messaging.

Yes. By understanding each stage and the thought processes involved, you will generate more leads, engage more effectively and progress to sale faster.

Download The Worksheet

Download the Buyer’s Journey Marketing Worksheet
to improve your targeting, messaging, pipeline progression and sales.

Buyers Journey Checklist Form
focusing on qualified leads

The traditional digital marketing
agency model does not work…

Most digital marketing produces underwhelming results by failing to understand the relationship between sales and marketing. The marketing department works in isolation to the sales department, resulting in poor lead generation and a lack of strategy.

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