Download the
Questions to Ask
Your Digital Marketer Worksheet

Questions to Ask Your Marketer

This list of questions will help you to take stock of whether you’re getting value from your digital marketing partner

It has been designed by business leaders and digital marketers to help you cut through all the noise. 

It includes key questions questions related to strategy, structure and results; as well as questions your partner should be asking you.

Download this One Pager, and simply ask these questions at your next marketing meeting. 

Questions to Ask Your Marketer

You're Right to Question Your Marketing Performance

Questions to ask your marketer

Every business that invests in marketing is completely justified in wanting to understand how that investment is performing. And good business leaders understand that success in marketing will have a positive impact on every area of a business.

So taking the time to ask the right questions, is time well spent.


Questions to ask your marketer
Questions to ask your digital marketer

These Questions will

Amplify Marketing Success

Questions to ask your digital marketer

Regardless of whether your marketing partner is getting exceptional results, or asleep at the wheel; these questions have been designed to help your business get more from its marketing investment and be able to judge that with confidence.

Frequently asked questions

We recommend taking these questions to your next marketing meeting.

Firstly, listen to your marketing partner and check off the questions that they answer naturely during their reporting and strategic workshopping.

Then ask the questions that have not been addressed.

When you download the Worksheet, we will also send a reference sheet that breaks down each question:
  • what to look for
  • what to press for; and
  • what is an inadequate answer.

Download The Questions

Download the Questions to Ask Your Digital Marketer worksheet and reference guide to get clarity, focus and accountability from your marketing investment.

Questions to Ask Your Digital Marketing Partner
focusing on qualified leads

The traditional digital marketing
agency model does not work…

Most digital marketing produces underwhelming results by failing to understand the relationship between sales and marketing. The marketing department works in isolation to the sales department, resulting in poor lead generation and a lack of strategy.

Partnering with growth minded businesses globally since 2021

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$ 0 M+
Leads generated
0 +
Impressions earned
0 +